Record Types

Native Android ==> Shared module

In the Native Android Inform SDK, there are five different subclasses of InformRecord that will be collected by the SDK:

  • Summaries – comprised of a user’s activities that occur regularly throughout the day, without the specific goal of exercise, for example calories burned, steps taken, etc. These activities are aggregate throughout the day.
  • Workouts – comprised of a user’s activities that are undertaken with the express purpose of exercising. These activities have a defined duration.
  • Sleep – comprised of a user’s measurements related to the length of time spent in various sleep cycles, as well as number of times woken during the night.
  • Measurements – comprised of a user’s body measurements and vitals, for example weight, body fat, blood pressure, and spo2.
  • Nutrition – comprised of a user’s nutrition consumption, for example calories_consumed, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sodium.