Using Health Connect in the Android Mobile Inform SDK
Native Android ==> Health Connect module
The Validic Inform Android Mobile SDK offers native mobile libraries which you can implement into your mobile project to power data syncing with the Android Health Connect health data aggregation platform.
The Validic Inform Android Mobile SDK supports Android Health Connect for native Android. This document lays out the installation and use of the Health Connect integration.
Android Health Connect allows health and fitness apps to store and share the same on-device data, within a unified ecosystem. It also offers a single place for users to control which apps can read and write health and fitness data.
Health Connect combines data from a variety of other fitness and health apps, including Google Fit and Samsung Health.
Health Connect has its own module in the Inform SDK, therefore the following modules are required to use the Health Connect integration:
- Shared/Core (Session)
- Health Connect
Installation instructions are detailed in Installation.
A valid session is required in order to use the Health Connect integration in the Validic Inform SDK. See Session for more information.
Record types
The record types used in the Validic Inform Mobile SDK are described in Record Types.
Record Identifiers
More information on record identifiers can be found in Record Identifiers.
Listening for InformRecord Upload
More information on record events can be found in Record Events.
Health Connect
This project integrates Health Connect with the Validic Mobile Inform SDK to passively collect data on behalf of an end user. Validic ensures that our Mobile SDK makes use of the minimal scopes needed for our supported data types.
Please be aware that your app will need to be released on the Play Store in order for Google to review it prior to using the Health Connect data sync. However, you do not need to publish your app in order to test Health Connect.
Please review Google's guide to get started planning your request to Google for Health Connect data access.
Migration from Google Fit to Health Connect
Changes are in progress by Android. If your app currently supports the Validic integration to Google Fit, your users will need to be notified that they will need to take action.
Users will need to use Health Connect in order to sync Google Fit data to you once the Google Fit SDKs are sunset. For more information about Google Fit and Health Connect, please see our documentation about Migrating Users from Google Fit to Health Connect.
Accessing Health Connect depends on what OS version the end user is running. Check if Health Connect is available on the device before attempting to access Health Data.
Android 14
Health Connect is a system app and is therefore available on every Android device running Android >= Android 14.
Android 13 and Below
For devices running Android <= Android 14 Health Connect is available as an application on the Play Store.
val status = ValidicHealthConnect.getPlatformStatus()
when (status) {
HealthConnectClient.SDK_UNAVAILABLE -> {
// No viable integration
//Redirect to package installer to find a provider, for example:
val uriString = "market://details?id=$providerPackageName&url=healthconnect%3A%2F%2Fonboarding"
Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).apply {
data = Uri.parse(uriString)
putExtra("overlay", true)
putExtra("callerId", context.packageName)
else -> {
// Good to go!
Accessing Sensitive Data
Data stored in Health Connect is considered sensitive. Accessing end user data requires that the user grant permission to each data type before data can be read. To get started add the permission for each data type that you want to use in your application's AndroidManifest.xml
. A full list of datatypes and the necessary permissions are available in Google's documentation here.
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
Privacy policy
The Permissions dialog for Health Connect displays a link that must be handled by your application to display a privacy policy when the link is clicked. Register an Activity
<!-- For supported versions through Android 13, create an activity to show the rationale
of Health Connect permissions once users click the privacy policy link. -->
<action android:name="" />
<!-- For versions starting Android 14, create an activity alias to show the rationale
of Health Connect permissions once users click the privacy policy link. -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.HEALTH_PERMISSIONS" />
Please review the class documentation for more details on the functions available in ValidicHealthConnect
and HealthConnectInitializer
Request permissions
Before reading or subscribing to data from Health Connect the end user must grant permissions for each Health Connect Record Type.
Get previously granted permissions
Checking the permission status for a Health Connect Record Type will indicate if it is possible to read and subscribe to data changes for a Health Connect Record
viewLifecycleScope.launch {
val canReadSteps = ValidicHealthConnect.getInstance(context).hasReadPermission(StepsRecord::class)
if (!canReadSteps) {
// Request Permission for steps
Health Connect permissions are documented in Google's guide.
To check if permissions have already been granted the hasReadPermission
method can be used.
Request new permissions
Health Connect permissions are documented in Google's guide.
To request permission from the end user to authorize data collection, you must subscribe
to record types. The Validic Health Connect integration provides a convenience method to create an ActivityResultContract
in your Activity
or Fragment
that can be used for requesting access from the end user.
val healthPermissionLauncher = registerForActivityResult(ValidicHealthConnect.createPermissionContract()) {
it.forEach { p ->
Log.i("Permission", "${HealthPermission.getReadPermission(p.key)} - ${p.value}")
When subscribing to data changes for Health Connect Record Types the ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION
permission must also be granted.
Subscribing to datatypes can be done via ValidicHealthConnect.subscribe(KClass<out Record>)
Android 15: If subscribed to a data type on Android 15 and the ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION
has not been granted then the Foreground service will stop due to Foreground restrictions introduced in Android 15.
scope.launch {
try {
} catch (e:Exception) {
when (e) {
is SecurityException -> Log.e("Permission Error", "Permission not granted for type")
is IllegalStateException -> Log.e("Illegal State", "Health Connect is not available")
else -> Log.e("Error", e)
Manage subscriptions
After Permissions have been granted for a record type, ValidicHealthConnect
can be used to add subscriptions to data change events from Health Connect.
Data will automatically will queued for submission to the Validic Inform Mobile API when internet is available on the phone. A foreground service must be used for polling data from Health Connect. Health Connect does not sync data in the background, unless the user is on Android 15+.
Android 15 Updates to Health Connect
Google has released a Health Connect improvement in Android 15 to allow apps to access data in the background. Prior to Android 15 this was not possible and the app must run as a foreground service or wait until it is opened to start syncing with Health Connect.
In Android 15 Google added a new Health Connect background read permission, which the Inform SDK will request when you request permissions from the user. If the user grants the required permission, then the SDK will read Health Connect data in the background every 15 minutes.
For lower versions of Android, to set a for connecting to Health Connect, use the HealthConnectRefreshConfiguration
To unregister from receiving data update events use the ValidicHealthConnect
to unsubscribe
You can get a list of currently subscribed record types using currentSubscriptions
in ValidicHealthConnect
Currently Supported Record Types
Retrieve the list of currently subscribed Health Connect Record Types:
scope.launch {
val current = ValidicHealthConnect.getInstance(context).getCurrentSubscriptions()
Log.i("Current Subscription", current) // ["StepsRecord"]
Refer to the following table for more details on the supported record types for Health Connect:
Health Connect Type (data type) | Inform Resource | Inform Metric |
Steps | summaries | steps |
ActiveCaloriesBurned | summaries | active_energy_burned |
TotalCaloriesBurned | summaries | energy_burned |
Distance | summaries | distance |
FloorsClimbed | summaries | floors_climbed |
BasalMetabolicRate | summaries | basal_energy_burned |
HeartRate (BPM_AVG) | summaries | avg_heart_rate |
HeartRate (BPM_MAX) | summaries | max_heart_rate |
HeartRate (BPM_MIN) | summaries | min_heart_rate |
ExerciseSession (EXERCISE_DURATION_TOTAL) | summaries | active_duration |
Weight | measurements | body_weight |
BloodGlucose | measurements | blood_glucose |
BloodPressure (diastolic) | measurements | diastolic |
BloodPressure (systolic) | measurements | systolic |
OxygenSaturation | measurements | spo2 |
BodyTemperature | measurements | body_temperature |
BodyFat | measurements | body_fat |
BodyWaterMass | measurements | body_water_mass |
BoneMass | measurements | body_bone_mass |
LeanBodyMass | measurements | body_lean_mass |
Height | measurements | body_height |
ExerciseSession (EXERCISE_DURATION_TOTAL) | workouts | workout_duration |
SleepSession (SLEEP_DURATION_TOTAL) | sleep | sleep_duration |
SleepSession (STAGE_TYPE_LIGHT) | sleep | light_sleep |
SleepSession (STAGE_TYPE_DEEP) | sleep | deep_sleep |
SleepSession (STAGE_TYPE_REM) | sleep | rem_sleep |
Nutrition (calcium) | nutrition | calcium |
Nutrition (totalCarbohydrate) | nutrition | carbohydrate |
Nutrition (cholesterol) | nutrition | cholesterol |
Nutrition (dietaryFiber) | nutrition | dietary_fiber |
Nutrition (energy) | nutrition | energy_consumed |
Nutrition (totalFat) | nutrition | fat |
Nutrition (protein) | nutrition | protein |
Nutrition (saturatedFat) | nutrition | saturated_fat |
Nutrition (sodium) | nutrition | sodium |
Nutrition (sugar) | nutrition | sugars |
Nutrition (unsaturatedFat) | nutrition | unsaturated_fat |
InformRecords collected are automatically submitted to the Validic Inform Mobile API and a summary of records processed will be sent to any listener registered using ValidicHealthConnect
Fetch historical data
The Health Connect integration supports retrieving 30 days of historical step data.
Reading Historical data and submitting it to the Validic API can be done using ValidicHealthConnect
. Each Inform Record Type has an associated method to request data be fetched from the Health Connect data store. Each method returns a Summary of the number of records that were gathered and collected and submitted to the Validic Mobile API.
Note that it is required that this method is used while the app is in the Foreground or it will throw an exception.
Daily Activity Summary
A Users Daily aggregate of Activity data can be read using the Summary
Inform Record Type.
lifecycleScope.launch {
try {
// Fetch the last 7 days of data
val summary = ValidicHealthConnect.getInstance(context).readDailySummary(,
Log.i("Success", "Collected ${summary[InformRecordType.summary]} records from the last 7 days from Health Connect")
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Error", e)
A user's instantaneous Health Connect Record Types can be read using the Measurement
Inform Record Type.
lifecycleScope.launch {
try {
// Fetch the last 7 days of data
val summary = ValidicHealthConnect.getInstance(context).readMeasurement(WeightRecord::class,,
Log.i("Success", "Collected ${summary[InformRecordType.measurement]} records from the last 7 days from Health Connect"
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Error", e)
Nutrition Summary
A user's Daily Nutrition Summary can be read using the Nutrition
Inform Record Type.
lifecycleScope.launch {
try {
// Fetch the last 7 days of data
val summary = ValidicHealthConnect.getInstance(context).readNutrition(,
Log.i("Success", "Collected ${summary[InformRecordType.nutrition]} records from the last 7 days from Health Connect"
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Error", e)
A user's sleeping data can be read using the Sleep
Inform Record Type.
lifecycleScope.launch {
try {
// Fetch the last 7 days of data
val sleep = ValidicHealthConnect.getInstance(context).readSleep(,
Log.i("Success", "Collected ${summary[InformRecordType.sleep]} records from the last 7 days from Health Connect"
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Error", e)
A user's exercise and fitness data can be read using the Workout
Inform Record Type.
lifecycleScope.launch {
try {
// Fetch the last 7 days of data
val summary = ValidicHealthConnect.getInstance(context).readWorkouts(,
Log.i("Success", "Collected ${summary[InformRecordType.workout]} records from the last 7 days from Health Connect"
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("Error", e)
To remove all subscriptions and log an end user out of Health Connect, simply call disconnect
Listening to Health Connect API Exceptions
Errors thrown by the Health Connect Platform are Logged and then re-thrown. More information on those errors can be found in Android's documentation here.
Updated about 1 month ago