VitalSnap Peripherals

Native Android ==> OCR module

OCRPeripheral represents peripheral models that can be processed by OCR.

A peripheral object contains various properties which can be displayed to the user:

  • name - Name of the peripheral comprised of the manufacturer name and model number.
  • imageURL - URL for an image of the peripheral.

To obtain an OCRPeripheral, you may choose from a list of all available devices:

List<OCRPeripheral> allSupportedPeripherals = OCRPeripheral.getSupportedPeripherals();

or if you know the specific peripheral type that you want:

final static int ONETOUCH_ULTRAMINI = 1;
OCRPeripheral onetouchPeripheral = OCRPeripheral.getPeripheralForOCRPeripheralType(ONETOUCH_ULTRAMINI);