
Native Android

The Native Android Inform SDK is divided into separate feature modules to make it easy for you to install and use the exact features that are important to you.

The Shared module (validicmobile-shared) is always required. Other modules should be added to your project based on the functionality you wish to support in your app.

ModuleNameRequired For
validicmobile-sharedSessioneverything - this module is always required
aggregator-health-connectHealth ConnectConnecting with and retrieving data from Android Health Connect
validicmobile-bleBluetoothConnecting with and retrieving data from supported Bluetooth LE devices
validicmobile-ocrVitalSnapConnecting with and retrieving data from supported VitalSnap devices
validicmobile_lifescanLifeScanConnecting with and retrieving data from supported LifeScan devices

For example, Health Connect has its own module, therefore the following modules are required to use the Health Connect integration:

  • Shared/Core (Session)
  • Health Connect

The following modules are required to use the Bluetooth integration:

  • Shared/Core (Session)
  • Bluetooth

You can mix and match modules in your mobile project depending on the functionality you want in your mobile app. Just remember that the session (shared module) must always be installed and used. All other modules depend on the functionality in the shared module.