
Native Android

The Inform Mobile library is hosted in Artifactory. It is divided into separate feature modules.

The Shared module (validicmobile-shared) is always required. Other modules should be added to your project based on the functionality you wish to support in your app.

See Modules for more information on the feature modules currently available in the Validic Inform Mobile SDK.

The /.aar files for the various modules of the Inform SDK are available in zip files for download from the Artifactory mobile portal. You may choose to use these /.aar files to manually install Validic Mobile modules in your mobile project. Or you may choose to use our local Maven repository.


The Distribution zip contains a local Maven repository, validic-repository that can be used to add the library and its dependencies to your project's classpath.

In your app/build.gradle file add the following

repositories {
  // Validic Support can provide you with credentials if you need them
  	maven {
    	url: ""
      credentials: {
       	username: username
        password: password
  // or 
    maven {
        // Android Maven Distribution folder from zip. Change to point to folder location
        url "../../validic-repository" 

  implementation ''