Passive Read

React Native ==> Bluetooth module

ValidicBluetooth allows for registering a set of BluetoothPeripherals to scan and read from automatically in the background. Collected Readings are automatically submitted to the Validic API. The peripherals are persisted across reboots. Use an array of BluetoothPeripheral.ids to start reading in the background.

await ValidicBluetooth.setPassivePeripherals([1,14,15])

To get a list of BluetoothPeripheral IDs that are being scanning and read in the background

let backgroundPeripherals = await ValidicBluetooth.getPassivePeripherals()

Special Considerations


Special Considerations

Please review the native Android and native iOS documentation for details on special considerations for specific peripherals.


If the host application is closed by the user and a Bluetooth Peripheral advertises a new reading the App will relaunch and collect the reading.


The host application must be at least launched in the background for readings to be collected from devices when they advertise an available reading