Bluetooth Peripherals

Cordova ==> Bluetooth module

Peripheral objects contain information regarding supported Bluetooth peripherals. Several function calls are provided to retrieve one or more peripherals.

A peripheral object contains various properties used during the reading and pairing process:

  • id - Peripheral identifier.
  • manufacturer - Manufacturer name.
  • model - Model number.
  • peripheralImageURL - URL for an image of the peripheral.
  • requiresPairing - Boolean indicating if the peripheral requires pairing.
  • pairingInstructions - Text telling the user how to pair the peripheral, if the peripheral requires pairing.
  • instructions - Text telling the user how to initialize the reading process with the peripheral.
  • readingInstructions - Text telling the user what to do during the reading process.

Supported Peripherals

To get supported peripherals, call getSupportedPeripherals():

const supportedPeripherals = await ValidicMobile.InformBluetooth.getSupportedPeripherals();