
Fitbit Temperature Metric added

As of April 22, 2024, the following Inform API temperature metrics will be populated when users grant access to the required scopes and data is provided by Fitbit. This data will appear in the resources listed below when captured by the Fitbit integration.

Inform MetricDescriptionResourceData TypeStandard UnitRequired Fitbit Scope
body_temperature_deviationThe temperature deviation of the individual. Measured as defined by the source.summariesfloatCtemperature, sleep

With this change, users will automatically be prompted to grant access to the new temperature scope when they initiate the Fitbit OAuth connection from the Inform marketplace.

Any users who are already connected to Fitbit will not be notified of this new permission. Users who are already connected to Fitbit must disconnect and reconnect to Fitbit if they want to share this new data with you. During Fitbit OAuth, users must grant access to the scopes listed in the table above before these new data points will be available to you in the Inform API.

Fitbit Skin Temperature is measured by select Fitbit smartwatches. To retrieve this information, the user must grant access to both the temperature and sleep scopes. See the Fitbit skin temperature documentation for more details.

An example excerpt of a summaries record is shown below and includes the new body_temperature_deviation metric:
